Churches of Christ (ICC)
Boston Movement
We recommend the following work for people who are just beginning to explore our site, or learn about the ICC. Please note that file sizes for these documents are given in parentheses after the document title, like this (~1K), because some are quite large and will take a few minutes to download. There are several book-length documents here. We feel that they are well worth reading, though.
Those documents which aren't on the REVEAL site itself are marked with an (offsite) tag instead of a file size.
- From the Churches of Christ to the Boston Movement: a Historical Analysis of the ICC and its Roots
- History Repeats Itself: The Rise and Fall of Kip McKean & Chuck Lucas: a comparison of the careers and downfalls of two huge figures in ICC history
- Toxic Christianity (2006 Edition) by Mr. X, former leader within the ICC, edited by (Requires Adobe PDF Reader.)
- The Hard Way: Another Autobiography of a Former ICC Member
- The Writing on the Wall: Athena (Carreiro) Higgins' Story
- The Empire Dies Screaming: the Story of Lucas Mboya
- The Indianapolis Church of Christ: the History of a Church which Left the ICC
- Unity or Uniformity?: What the Evangelist Said to Make it Happen
- The Discipling Dilemma: The Definitive Study on Mind Control in the ICC (offsite)
- Control Mechanisms in the ICC: Including Control with Scripture, The Architecture of Control and The Culture of Control
Sociology/Sociological Analysis
The International Churches of Christ has similarities to other churches that abuse (as per Ron Enroth's out-of-print book "Churches That Abuse"), as well as the Discipling Movement. The following are links to articles or books related to the International Churches of Christ:
- Self-Proclaimed Shepherds: by Friedrich Wilhelm Haack (1988) -- regarding Shepherding, Discipling, Marathana, and the Boston Church of Christ
- The Other Side of Discipleship: by Lawrence A. Pile (1990) -- problems with "discipleship" and other movements that have practiced it.
- The ICC Bible Studies: A Critical Analysis (Revised 2002 Edition): An Analysis of the First Principles Bible Study Series
- Die ICC-Bibelstudien:: Eine kritische Analyse (German) (offsite)
- Castles in the Air: A Bible Study on the International Churches of Christ
(Requires Adobe PDF Reader.)
- What Does the Boston Movement Teach: Volume 1, by Dr. Jerry Jones, Th.D., former elder.
- Toxic Christianity (2006 Edition) by Mr. X, former leader within the ICC, edited by (Requires Adobe PDF Reader.)
Here is a list of everything in the REVEAL library. We are trying to keep it logically organized and as usable as possible, but there is a lot on our site and the quantity of material on it is growing daily. If you know what you want, or are looking for a particular kind of work, feel free to dig. :)
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