Research * Examine * Verify * Educate * Assist * Liberate
International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC) * Boston Movement * Crossroads Movement

REVEAL: Research * Educate * Verify * Educate * Assist * Liberate

An Organization of Former Members
of the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC),
Boston Church of Christ/"Boston Movement",
and Crossroads Church of Christ/"Crossroads Movement"

The Crisis Line

Quick information for those facing a personal or family crisis because of their involvement in the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC), or the involvement of someone they care about.

What's New

A list of and direct links to recently posted or recently updated pages on the REVEAL site.


Information about REVEAL -- who we are, how we started, what we do, and how you can get involved.

About the ICC

Information about the beliefs, practices, organization, and history of the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC), from Gainesville, Florida in 1967 through Los Angeles in 1999.

The Newswire

News, Magazine, and other journalism about the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC) and affiliated congregations around the world.

Stories from the ICC

A collection of autobiographies, biographies and short histories written by former members about their experiences in the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC), the Crossroads Church of Christ, the Boston Church of Christ, and other discipling movement Churches of Christ from 1967 through the present.

People and Places

REVEAL's White and Yellow Pages -- lists of former members and others who have personal experience with the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC) and are willing to talk about it; clergy, exit counselors, and therapists knowledgeable about the ICC; support groups; and bookstores which stock books about the ICC and related subjects.

The Library

An electronic collection of work about the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC), including a great deal of primary source material and some out-of-print books.

Links to Other Sites

A comprehensive set of links to web pages with information about the ICC -- favorable and unfavorable. This includes a complete listing of official ICC web pages, pages by current members (some of which are quasi-official), pages by former members, pages by other groups of former members, and pages by other opponents of the ICC and cults.

REVEAL Hotline:
     +1 (510) 663-8995 (San Francisco/Oakland)
+1 (650) 323-5199 (Silicon Valley)

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