International Churches of Christ (ICC)
Boston Movement
Crossroads Movement

What Does REVEAL Do?
REVEAL is primarily an educational organization. We provide
information on:
- The ICC itself -- history, doctrines, and practices
- Thought Reform/Mind Control -- what it is and how it works
- Exit Counseling -- what it is, how it works and who to contact
- Recovery -- counseling, rehabilitation, support groups, etc.
We do this via a couple of avenues. The first is our site, which contains an
immense amount of information on the International Churches of Christ, and the
most complete index on the internet-based ICC resources.
This website was the first major undertaking of REVEAL. It is intended to provide
a central source of information about the ICC, and a place for local support
groups and individuals to contact each other. The REVEAL website has these resources:
- The Crisis Line, which contains a brief
summary of information about the ICC and cults, and resources
for current members, former members, or family and friends of
ICC members who are involved in a crisis because of their
association with the ICC.
- About REVEAL, which you are reading now.
- About the ICC, which contains a summary of
what we know about the International Churches of Christ,
including their beliefs, practices, history, structure, and abuses.
- A Newswire, with news bits and links to
newspaper and magazine articles about the ICC, announcements of ICC
activities, announcements of former member activities or events of
interest to former members, and other time-sensitive information.
- An extensive on-line Library, which holds
first-hand accounts of life in the ICC by former members and others who
have interacted with the ICC in a significant way, analyses of ICC practices
from historical, psychological and theological perspectives, information on
thought reform/mind control, information on recovering from involvement in
the ICC and other controlling and abusive organzations, and other material of
- A People and Places section, which contains
information about former members, support groups, exit counselors, therapists,
bookstores, and mail order houses from around the world, and
which links to or hosts WWW pages for these groups.
- Links to Other Sites, which contains
an index of links to WWW-based information by the ICC itself, ICC supporters, ICC
opponent groups, former ICC members, and other WWW pages of interest
to those concerned about the ICC.

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