The REVEAL Library: As the Kingdom Turns

Subject:      As the Kingdom Turns
Date:         1997/01/12
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John was a pre-med student at the local university. The ICC leaders were excited about John, because he consistently brought two or three visitors to Sundays and Bible Studies even before he got baptized. And since his baptism a month ago, one of his friends had also become a Christian. So his discipler's discipler decided to encourage John by allowing him to go out on a date.

Since John was so sharp, they decided his first date would be a double with the House Church leader Steve, and his wife Joan. Here's how Steve's conversation went with John' discipler:

Steve: Marty! Bro! <exactly three slaps on the back> Who you got set up for John on Saturday?
Marty: I thought I'd ask you first, bro.
Steve: Excellent. Well, what about Lisa? She's awesome!
Marty: Yeah, but she got back 10 minutes late from her last date. Bad reputation.
Steve: You're right. How about Cindy?
Marty: Nah. She gave her last date store-bought cookies as a thank-you, instead of baking them herself.
Steve: Not good, bro, not good. <scratching his chin> What about Carolyn?
Marty: Her discipler told Ann, who told me, that Carolyn's getting . . . I don't know . . . too comfortable on her dates lately . . .
Steve: Brother, this is flat out discouraging! Are you telling me there are THREE sisters in your Bible Talk that aren't datable? That has flat out got to change! Call Ann right now and have her call a repentance meeting of all her disciples TONIGHT!
Marty: You got it, bro. <taking notes> But what about a date for John?
Steve: Well, have him go out with Suzanna.
Marty: We're going to start going steady in two weeks, bro.
Steve: Hey bro, this is the Kingdom! <looking at his watch> Make the sacrifice!

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Stay tuned for Marty and John's pre-date discipleship time . . .

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